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2019 | Forschung

TikTok: Methods to reflect on the topics of self-portrayal and privacy in social media

As part of the training material for digital youthwork this method focusses on how TikTok can be used to reflect on the topics of self-portrayal and privacy in social media.

Excerpt from the method:


TikTok is a social media service, which is mainly known for its playback music videos, that users can create themselves. The following method can be used to reflect on the topics of self-portrayal and privacy in social media.


As an introduction to the method, participants between the ages of 9 and 13 are asked whether they know and use TikTok. Together they reflect on why the app is so popular with many children and teenagers. Afterwards the participants may select and present their favourite videos on TikTok. Using these examples, they explain to the group what makes the app particularly attractive for them.



A german version of the method is available here:

For more training materials visit:



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